Blogpet beds What’s our logic now? Hi, it’s Wiko, your friendly German Shepherd. I heard an interesting story when I was walking in the park with my humans, and I wanted…wikopet-login15 October 2020
pet beds Time to go green! Time to go green! We make tons of plastic every single day. Surely there is a way to implement eco-friendly solutions in our production processes.…wikopet-login12 October 2020
pet beds Best 5 dog beds for summer It’s the middle of summer and we’re all feeling the heat. What better way to relax than to simply stretch out on your favorite lounger…wikopet-login4 August 2020
pet beds 5 things you can do to help cool off your dog in the summer Summer is upon us and it’s not easy to escape the heat, whether you have two legs or four. This is the time when things…wikopet-login7 July 2020
pet beds What to look for in a dog bed Naturally, you’ve already thought the size, the shape, and the design of what you and Buddy will be most comfortable with. But what about all…wikopet-login12 May 2020
pet beds Adopting a dog? Here is what you need for your new buddy Very few positives can be found in our current predicament. Locked in our houses, stir-crazy and scared, we look for any opportunity to brighten our…wikopet-login3 April 2020
pet beds What to look for in a dog bed? So you’ve made up your mind to get your best friend his own bed. Trust me, it’s a great decision. After all, how long can…wikopet-login9 March 2020
pet beds Orthopedic Pet Beds from a Trusted Supplier Looking for top quality pet beds? Wikopet offers a wide range of beds to meet the requirements of even the most demanding pet parents and…wikopet-login22 September 2019